Monday, January 7

Pain and procrastination

The pain.. Carpal Tunnel. Its hard to explain the constant ache from elbow to finger tips. The take your breathe away shooting pain in the wrist. The sudden loss of strength and grip, or sensation. The sheer bloody frustration of not being being able to use your hands when and how you want to.

Procrastination.. l have listed so many things that need finishing, l don't know where to start.

I have almost finished my 2nd cross stitch christmas decoration. Knitted way to many rows in the body of an overnightz that l will have to frog back. Finished one more square of the SK rug.

On the home front l am loving my new slow cooker. Its 6 litre, so big enough for a leg roast.
Miss K had a speech therapy session today. She has mastered F & S, our new sound is SH. Its hard to get the balance of correcting her speech without upsetting her.
Miss Z is practicing to be a nudist, l have given up and only insist on clothes when we go out and have visitors.
Jock is on the verge of a flare up of his Ulcerative Colitis. I'm hoping he will take a month off work so he has time to rest properly.

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