Monday, February 23

No offence

I almost posted this on a public forum in response to other members being taken by surprise that Feb 7th fires were not 'normal'.
This is my opinion and not an attempt to invalidate anyone elses experience of the day and their feelings since.

My experience of the 7th... we knew it was going to be bad fire weather. There were warnings, not just to alert arsonists to play, but so people were aware that it was going to be extreme fire weather. It was all over the news to be prepared, put your stay or go plans in place.
We knew it was a bad fire day, when the fire started we knew it had potential to be really bad.
Were we ready... no.
We had to juggle being fire ready, and surviving 46c heat. In the week leading up to the 7th it was too hot to get out and clear around the house. Most days were total fire ban and we couldn't use the mower and on days we could, we didn't.
I feel that [b]I[/b] had adequate warning to be hyper alert for fire that day. I also feel l had access to information well in advance on how to prepare the house and surrounds.
I think the ABC got info out as fast as they could, even with their tower burning down.
Since the 7th the access to up to date, relevant info about the fire situation has been crap.

For anyone that has been affected by these fires, please, if your not coping, ask for help. Speak to your family, friends, GP or even call
Lifeline 13 11 14

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