Thursday, November 19

Not so sweet dreams

Going to cut & paste from GG forum because l'm lazy..

[i]Kelly had a nightmare that Zoe was burnt in a fire and died. She wants to stay home with us.. think its the warmer weather and overhearing so much talk of fire. Not that we talk fire in front of the kids, but even shopping last night in Traralgon, every 2nd person we past was. *sigh* kids are asking lots of questions about our house being safe, will it burn down this year. Pretty shitty state of affairs l must say.[/i]

[i]Spoke to her (fdc mum) about Kelly, there has been lots of talk this week at school about how much was donated after the fires, because a local bike club was calling in to collect donations for the toy run. They also had a classmate visit this week, he lost his home & the family is now travelling for a couple of years. Pretty sure the above & the hot weather has kicked off her fears. Back to lots of hugs, talking, drawing and including her in preparation discussions. School psych said this is important as they feel they have some control, also know what to do to help/prepare instead of being a helpless bystander.[/i]

So much for congratulating ourselves on how well adjusted the kids are after what they experienced.
Makes me wonder how all the children that were in the thick of the fires are coping. 

On the 7th when l was sure l had made the wrong decision about where the girls were evacuate to.  Kelly assured me in such a confident, grown up voice that it was ok, they would be safe, not to worry.
I have a sickening fear that her dream is more than just a childish nightmare.  One more step down the path of paranoia? 

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