Wednesday, December 16

Making plans..

We had a big talk to the girls about our fire plan tonight. Talking them through how we are prepared, FDI levels, why & what days we would pack our camper and store it. Where we would go, why we have to go /they have to go. Biggest thing was brain storming with them, what we would try to save.
They started wanting to take everything. They now get the concept of what is replaceable and whats not.
They like the idea that we would have a house ( our camper) like Bailey who lost his house and now travels in a caravan.. They know mum would cry if our house was burnt down/ squashed by a tree/ blown away/ washed away in a flood. But we would build again and it only matters that we are safe.
Zoe is not happy that the chooks would have to stay. Serioulsy 10 chooks, 1 rooster and a half grown chick.. hatchback car full of dogs & kids.. Will have to talk her through getting more chicks if we had to.

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